Have you prepared
your ride plan?

We all love the ride that takes us somewhere beyond the straight highways. Rides like the Tail of the Dragon, the Black Hills of South Dakota or the Mountains of Northern Arizona. Life is like those rides. Lots of curves, deep crevasses and unexpected switchbacks, but well worth the ride.

Riding in a pack

Sometimes we don’t know where we are going. That is when we need to follow a road captain or someone who knows the way.

Our walk with Jesus is like this as well. We reach a point in life when we know we cannot get there on our own. The reality is that we are all sinners and need a savior. We need someone who has been there and can lead us.

God loved you and me so much that he sent His son (John 3:16) Jesus, to die for us. Jesus paid the price we could not and stands with the Father to vouch for us if we are only willing to choose life by choosing to follow Him (Romans 8:34).

No matter how good we try to be we will fall short (Romans 3:23). If it had been left up to you and me we would not make it to paradise. But the flip side of that is also true. It doesn’t matter what bad things you have done, what sins against God and man you have committed. You can be forgiven, and God wants to forgive you and welcome you back into the fold. But Jesus is the only way to redemption and salvation (John 14:6).

So you have come to believe that all the above is true. What do you do next?

You admit that you are a sinner and cannot save yourself. You place your faith in Jesus, accepting the gift He offers freely. You commit to make Jesus the Lord of your life. Not just in church, but every day.

Just pray this prayer or one similar. Remember prayer is just you talking with God directly and He knows your heart.

"Jesus, I admit that I am a sinner and need a savior. I know you redeemed me by your sacrifice and that alone I cannot earn my way to Heaven. Please forgive my sins and take first place in my life. Renew my mind, heart and spirit, make me new. Send the Holy Spirit to help guide me as I begin to live for you daily." Amen

If you chose to make this decision we want to know. We want to be a resource for you and help walk beside you as a fellow brother in Christ. Please email redeemed@twothievesmm.com and someone will contact you.